Ling Qiu
Ph.D. Candidate, Penn State University

I’m a third year Ph.D. student in IST at Penn State University. I am fortunate to work with Dr. Saeed Abdullah on designing and developing data-driven and conversational systems and intervention methods in health domain.
Before joining IST, I spent a pleasant year with Dr. Ghosh Swaroop CSE department at Penn State. I received my M.S. in Electrical Engineering at Clemson University, where I am honored to be advised by Dr. Yingjie Lao. I also hold a B.S. degree from University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Sep 2022 | We have one paper accepted in a journal on comparing the delivery modes of remote supportive care interventions for metastatic breast cancer patients. |
Mar 2022 | Hee Jeong Han, Suhas BN and I won the Hackthon Challenge (hosted by The 6th International Workshop on Health Intelligence) on using text and speech data to automatically detect dementia! |
Aug 2021 | One paper on using voice assistants to deliver speech therapy is accepted in UbiComp Workshop on Mental Health And Well-Being. |
Apr 2021 | Our project on using smart speakers to provide supportive interventions for women with Metastatic Breast Cancer was featured in Penn State News. |
Mar 2021 | We have two papers are accepted at CHI LBW 2021. One paper on using smart speakers to support patients with metastatic breast cancer, the other is on using Twitter data to assess mental well-being of essential workers during the COVID-19. |
ISCAS Student Travel Award 2018
Global Ambassador Scholarship 2013-2016
Undergraduate Creative Activity and Research Stipend 2013-2016